Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Select Photos - Hubbard Glacier through the Fog and Ice

Hope you enjoy these pics from Hubbard Glacier.

  • The morning started with thick fog as you can see here. Then we spotted snow capped peaks through the fog, then as we sailed inland the fog dissipated and the glacier came into full view
  • Hubbard Glacier is the largest tidal glacier in North America. It is approximately 6 miles long at its face that hits the sea. It was calving and you could hear the rumble
  • We got as close as we could given the amount of ice floating
  • As we left the glacier you can see that we disappeared into the fog once again
  • At sunset I noticed the humpback that was following alongside our ship
  • NOTE: Click on first photo to enlarge then you can click through the slideshow

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