Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Foghorn Tuesday On The Way to Hubbard Glacier - Day 4 Alaska Trip (Part 1)

The ship cruised along all Monday night until about 430AM when we hit some major fog. The boat slowed and continued its journey. I awoke at 8AM to the sound of the ship’s foghorn calling out every minute or so into the distance. It was erie but also soothing. After breakfast of coffee, juice, fruit and a pastry, I got ready for the day and went up on deck. The fog was thick. After walking the ship a bit, I settled in the Observation Lounge in the bow area. It has a beautiful interior with wrap around picture windows looking ahead; and it has an outdoor deck. Since we were traveling slowly the breeze was not bad outside in the bow.

After enjoying the morning air and fog, I went back inside for a cappuccino with a view! Later in the early afternoon the captain announced we were going to be 2 hrs late to the glacier today due to the fog and reduced speed. He anticipated that we would have clearing later in the day as we got closer in to the coastline and the glacier.

Lunch was good, I sat with a group from Hawaii and we talked a bit and they tried to get me to try the Sushi they prepared at the morning cooking class, I passed. After lunch the fog was lighter but still present and the lonely foghorn was sounding its warning every minute on the minute. As visibility increased we increased speed. I enjoyed a Strongbow Cider (the unofficial drink of my rugby team, especially after our trip to the UK last summer) in the sports bar while watching about the Patriots signing of Tim Tebow! Really? Hmmm....

As I am writing this, I am sitting on my balcony and a pod of Orcas (Killer Whales) go swimming past. So cool! The Foghorn is really getting to me, in a good way. I think I will miss it later in the trip when we have clear weather and sailing. It is so soothing as it echos across the water into the fog.

Few more hours until the Glacier, I may just read a bit, as it is one of those days, and just seems appropriate to sit on the balcony, grab some coffee, wear my sweater and read to the rhythm of the foghorn.

Will post more about today at the Glacier later tonight. Pics will have to wait as the connect speed by satellite is much slower, hard to upload.

1 comment:

  1. I almost feel like I am there! Glad you are relaxing and can't wait to read more. Will you be posting pictures taken with the new lens?
