Monday, September 5, 2011

Lake Taupo Region and Rotoura

The final 1/3 of my trip will be spent in the Lake Taupo Region of the North Island. Lake Taupo is located in the center of the North Island and will provide a good home base for me in the final days of my trip as I have matches in the cities of Routura, Napier and Hamilton.

The lake itself is one of the largest in all of New Zealand. It's lake bed is actually the giant caldera of a super volcano. Think Yellowstone. This super volcano, like Yellowstone's, is situated over a tremendous hot spot and its eruptions are cataclysmic events.  The lake was formed after an eruption event 26,500 years ago. One of the more explosive eruptions caused the sky over Rome and China (two inhabited areas in the northern hemisphere, to go red with ash and may have contributed tot he last major ice-age.

To the north lies Routura which is known for its geothermal activity. If you have ever been to Yellowstone here in the US then you have a good idea of the sights, and smells of Routura. Geysers, mud volcanoes and hot springs are scattered about the region.

To the east is Napier, a very distinct city on the east coast of New Zealand. Typically drier than the western coast, it looks very much like a Mediterranean city.

The last few days of my trip will be spent at Lake Taupo relaxing, doing some sightseeing, maybe a cruise on the lake or some kayaking. Hopefully the conclusion of a great rugby trip.

Here is a preview of some of the sights in this region.

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