Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The World in Union

The World in Union. That has been the anthem for the Rugby World Cup past and present. Every world cup has featured this song, this adopted anthem of the rugby world as a whole.

Yes it's true, just as in the Olympics, fans are very much nationalistic and the crowds at RWC matches show up at matches sporting their nation's colors, waving flags, emblems, folk traditions, etc. But, also true is that before each and every Rugby World Cup match, both teams enter the stadium from the locker room, through the stadium tunnel and out onto the grassy pitch to this anthem, "The World in Union". The stadium crowds often sing along, arm in arm.

Isn't this the true spirit of rugby? What sets this sport apart from all others? The brotherhood that exists between players, not just between teammates on the same team, but across teams, and across national borders. This is what makes rugby different then say....soccer. There are no hooligans in the crowd or on the pitch, no stadium brawls or police in riot gear at the ready in case the "wrong" team scores a goal. There are just brothers, brothers in rugby. All celebrating the sport, acknowledging the tenacity of the Samoans, the fleet-footed Flying Fijians and the sheer intimidation factor of the All Blacks' pre-match Haka.

And so, before each match, as both teams file onto the pitch, this song will ring out across the field, and symbolize what rugby is all about. Listen to the words. "We may face high mountains, must cross rough seas. We must take our place in history, and live with dignity. Just to be the best I can. Thats the goal of every man. If I win, lose or draw, its a victory for all."

I hope the guys on the Storm rugby team embrace this idea, because this is what makes a rugby team special. The ability to be WITH YOU even when the YOU is a player on another team, or bitter rival. Honestly, I know that the Storm has already embraced this, I've seen it, and is one reason I am proud to be there coach. It would be great if the Bingham Cup tournaments could adopt this anthem (barring any copyright issues)because I think overall, the Bingham Cup symbolizes this spirit of the world in union better than any other rugby tournament, except maybe the Rugby World Cup!

Enjoy this video as this is what it is all about....

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